Tea Addict….

It’s Friday the 13th, it’s Fiesta Friday and I’m back home at The Glen House after a glorious holiday!


No makeup, dodgy hair, great tan!

Where were we, you ask? Magical Marrakech! I’ll tell you more next week…..


Tea by moon light

For now I’d like to share my new favourite breakfast drink, mid-morning drink, after-a-swim drink, after-dinner drink, before-bed drink…. Mint tea!

It’s no secret that I love tea (I wrote a post about chai tea a few months back), so to indulge in a sweet, refreshing version whilst on holiday was delightful.


Chinese gunpowder green tea is preferred for making Moroccan tea. The “gunpowder” refers to the compression of the dried tea leaves into tiny pellets; seemingly, the more compact, the better the quality.

Added to this, is a generous quantity of fresh spearmint leaves. While fresh spearmint is the most popular choice for mint tea, smaller quantities of dried peppermint leaves may also be used.



Moroccan mint tea is famously sweet!



When we were served tea, it was poured from an arm’s length above each glass which gave it a nice foamy head and helped cool it slightly. Dr Doolittle got very good at this trick!


Pouring tea

It goes without saying, that having bought a teapot and glasses as souvenirs that we’d be making mint tea at The Glen House! However, our fresh leaves are of the garden mint variety, so I’ll have to look into purchasing some spearmint.





Garden mint

I’ll be bringing a pot to Angie’s place for the novice gardener fiesta friday party.

Melissa xx

38 thoughts on “Tea Addict….

  1. Welcome home, O brown one ! The tea looks heavenly – but I didn’t even realise that spearmint is a plant ! I just thought it was a chewing-gum name !!!! 🙂


  2. Pingback: Fiesta Friday #20 | The Novice Gardener

  3. Hi Melissa, Happy Fiesta #20! What a wonderful experience you must have had in Marrakesh. I’ll be looking forward to your trip story. Thank you so much for bringing this wonderful tea to the party. Mint tea is a staple in Persian home too, and some have it on daily basis for maintenance of their digestive system. Being served in the exotic tea pot and glasses you brought back with you, makes it that much more special. 😛 Impressive photography!


  4. Can’t wait to hear about your trip – we were in Agadir a few years ago and did various trips out too – really enjoyed it. Love the mint tea – just yesterday, I posted a photo on Instagram ,of a tea caddy, which I took when we had stopped for lunch in a village somewhere…happy Fiesta Friday!


  5. Oh thank-you for bringing this to FF!! I adore mint tea, especially on a hot summer’s day. This is a heavenly drink and I understand why it is consumed in such great quantities in Morocco and other parts of the world.


  6. Welcome home! I am (mint)green with jealousy! Marrakech is such an amazing city: the hustle and bustle in those narrow allys. The spices in the air. I loved it and cannot wait to go back…to have a cup of tea 😉


  7. Pingback: In My Kitchen | The Glen House

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